
Archive for the ‘Information Technology’ Category

Every IT project has 3 key drivers: budget, time and money. The sponsoring user is always in control of two of the 3 drivers while the remaining one belongs to IT. For example, if the sponsor wants the project yesterday with high quality, IT controls how much it will cost. Although this is true on every project in a well established corporation, there are other forces putting pressure on the business to deliver top quality in a relatively short period of time on a small budget. This is particularly true for small startups trying to market services and products ahead of the competition. You have to break all the rules and work a whole. The challenge is to do so while maintain good discipline and a clean house. If your company becomes a fixture, you will not get a buy offer from a big company unless your house is in order. On the same token, it will be extremely hard to adapt to fast paced growth while being efficient. From the mission statement to the final product or brand core message, everything must align and everyone must be on board with the direction the company is going. No matter how much we innovate, it will always be about people, their motivation and believe in a common goal.

If this resonate with you, I would love to learn about your thoughts/challenges.

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