
Archive for the ‘Social Media Business’ Category

Social Media for Business

Social Media for Business

Social Media is  no longer limited to games and finding classmate and friends. It’s an inevitable part of doing business. Anywhere there is an audience, there are potential consumers. No matter how you end up using social media, remember it is a platform, a distribution channel. How information reach people is what matters and the big trend right now is the mobile platform. People can connect their social media accounts to the phone and that’s where creating amazing content that invites people to share will come into play big time.

Mashable is a good source to read about what’s going on with Social Media companies and technology solutions. It’s one of many sites to stay abreast of industry trends in the Social Media industry.

Here’s what’s coming this year:

  • Companies will start integrating social feedback in decision making and ROI
  • Mobile will become “the” portal to everything – phones/tablets
  • Like video, photo sharing will take off – already happening
  • New Social Media platform will emerge, but the concept of sharing/viral remains
  • True tools to track Brand Presence in Social Media
  • How businesses use social media and the role of employees will continue to morph

Below is a link to the top 10 books. I like Groundswell and Virtual Loop. Again, it depends on how you want to use social media.


Here’s an example of amazing content people will share. The NBA, who by far are ahead of every other sports league when it comes to social media, put together this content around their 2011 All Start event. The All-Star Scene section is all about social media interaction:


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